Monday, May 16, 2022

Monday's Mentions.....


 My camera refused to take any more shots as it needed light from the moon to work.  So this is the last one. It really is just an impressionistic view of the moon. 

I am blogging early today as I am tied down to a diabetic meter and receiver.  They are pairing and it isn't working.  The meter that they sent with the kit was only partially charged.  As I plugged it in I discover the set up was messed up and it didn't have the transmitter's numbers which I did give it.  Anyway, I am hoping having it charging and me being lass than 20 feet away from it will allow it to finally get set up.  The device I wear will keep me monitored and I won't have to prick my fingers anymore to get blood out for the test strips.  I have the company number if I get really disgusted.

I planted a second stray start of a fern leafed peony not eight feet away from the original plant. It just now today opened into this bloom.  I am glad I saved them and they are thriving again. 

It is a nice looking day this Monday.  We have a promise of no rain today.  I hope all is well with you out there. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope by now the meter and receiver are paired.
    We did not even get to see the eclipse since we had rain and stormsl

    Those flowers are beautiful!

  2. I did not even realize there was supposed to be an eclipse last night. I happened to see the red moon just before I let the cats in ( around 10:30 I guess.) I thought it was unusually in color and figured it was becasue it was low on the horizon. Turns out, I saw the main event and did not even grab a camera to take the picture! Bummer. But then again, My camera is really bad at
    taking moon shots. Yours looks great as usual!

  3. My husband has a heart implant monitor for 3 years and because of our location and the cell company they used for transmitting didn't have service in our area, it never did what it was supposed to do!

    We'd have to drive somewhere once a month or more often to get the monitor thing to hook up to the transmitter and send off reports. What a pain.

    Hopefully things are hooked up for you now!

  4. For some reason the comment box on your post today will not open...I will try later on my computer. I do love the allium! I have some but the bloom is not very big.

  5. Pretty flowers, I have a friend who used that same device for 30 days...she could find out what foods were best for her and not prick her finger all the times, she said it was very expensive:(
