Sunday, May 15, 2022

Partly Sunny Day....

 An old fashioned iris was the first to bloom this spring. I have it planted in a couple of places and they both bloomed.

The  Rembrandts are fading but still look good all spread open like this.  I am sure they will all drop petals in the next few days.

The white tulips are good looking but are not the last to bloom. I have one more kind of tulips that are shorter that are yet to bloom. 

The creeping phlox is at its peak now. They probably need to be cut back as they don't look so great after they bloom. 

The hosta is doing well with the rains that we have had help to make it develop. It is such great color added to this spot.  It is in its third year being planted there so it should look great all season.

It is a cooler day here after a week of very hot weather.  We had some pop up showers last evening and also this afternoon.  We are not in a drought anymore in this area of the state.  Our water supply from the Des Moines River is safe so far this year.  My neighbors have completely finished planting their vegetable garden.  I guess that is a good sign that I need to go buy some tomato plants.  May 15th is our last date of warning from frost but we have been in the 90° levels instead so I could of done my planting sooner.  It is a fun goal to get started on planting.  

It will be interesting to see if we will be cloudy tonight for the eclipse of the moon. Got my camera ready.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love seeing the bright green of your Hostas, they are just beautiful.
    Storms came through here last night, just as everything was blooming, today we spent time trying to salvage what's left


  2. Wow your phlox look amazing! Mine are just starting to flower.

    Well all of your gardens look amazing.

  3. Things around your home are looking good. I have an iris that is almost like the here, but I think it is just a shade or two different.
