Friday, May 13, 2022

Project Old Chair.....Done!!!!!

 It just isn't the result I was looking for but it is good. The old chair is the new deck chair for us to sit on when we just want to be outside.  It is sitting against the birdhouses just for show and I will be placing it on the opposite side of the deck.  It originally had a woven reed seat in it.  Then it had tacks and cardboard seat placed on it.  I invented a plywood, thin sheet, to put on the seat.  It is like marrying an old 100 year old chair with a modern plywood seat. I may take some closer shots of this to show its pressed wood back. I wanted to put highlights on it but it seemed too complicate and I might just mess it up.

It is a cooler day today.  I finished mowing the back yard this morning without heat troubles.  I will warm up later but right now it was comfortable with a flannel shirt.  I don't know if we will see the sun today but it does warm up anyway.  

The fern leafed had seven blooms last year but I then moved it.  I think the most I will see is four blooms this year.  It just opened up overnight. 

It is a simple flowered plant that has a history of being distributed through out the county by wagon train people.  I have shared this plant with many with some in Murray, Iowa and some as far north as upper Minnesota.  My neighbor at the old place has three plantings of it. I am glad that I gave it to her as the old place's new owner brought in a scrapper and took down everything on the two lots.  

 The first iris has bloomed for me.  It is an old cemetery iris that I moved there last season.  It took a while but here it is blooming this year. It is in the front yard area next to the peonies.  I have another iris in the area that also has buds on it. 

All tulips are great but these really put out a pale statement.  I like them but I need to plant another color in there to contrast that subtle white color.  They sure have long stems. 


I mowed this morning and finished up the chair by attaching the seat.  I spread one bag of mulch this morning and still have one more to do.  Maybe tomorrow I can spread that.  I have a creeping charlie weed problem coming under the fence from the neighbor of disrepair.  I have it all sprayed and then I will now cover it all up with mulch.  If he still has it I will just have to spray it every spring as it creeps in with its pretty blue flowers. 

Have a great Friday. The reduction of heat has made everyone happy.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. You did a great job with that chair, Larry. However, when I read that it would be outside on the deck I wondered about it being exposed to the elements. Also it didn’t look like it would be a comfortable deck chair, just saying.

  2. Also forgot to say that the yard flowers are beautiful and must really like the hot spell.

  3. Looks like he flowers are out in all of their glory. We missed Pella Tulip time. I bet it was spectacular this year.

  4. I love that chair! I have similar ones on my porch. I even have a little old rocker that I spray painted wild colors.
    I really love how you painted that chair!
    One of my worn out ones is getting a fresh paint job and will hold a planter for me.

