Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thursday's a Thirsty Day......Hot!

 A vase full of tulips are fun to have when you are not sure if the ones outside will survive.  The heat has changed the color of some of them but on the most part they are doing good.

The Rembrandts are looking good at three in a row. I mulch this area for two years in a row and I am now happier with this inherited flower garden.  I still have some grass problems but it is more manageable.  I have an iris growing in this bed now and they are almost in bloom.

I did not build an adirondack chair.  I painted this up instead.  I have done some special accent painting on this and will show that later. It bothers me just a little that I don't know where this chair came from but I am good about collecting things and holding them for many years.  It was in the basement of the old place and I would not leave an antique dining chair behind.

It has been a busy day.  I mowed the front part of the yard today and will finish the back tomorrow.  I mowed in the morning when it was suppose to be cooler and yet it was 80° by the time I finished.  I think tomorrow it will be hot again.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It would be lovely to come inside to see those flowers waiting to greet you. The Rembrandts are beautiful. Look forward to seeing more details of the chair.

  2. The flowers are beautiful! I only have about 4 yellow tulips, but on one farm we lived on, I had such a wonderful array of colors, it was mind boggling. I think the folks that had lived there previously had planted at least two of every color!

    Oh my! Now .. that chair! I love old chairs and not one chair in our house matches another because I like old chairs. The old ones fell apart and I acquired others at sales. I painted up chairs like you are doing and did hours of detail work.
    I sure love doing that.
