Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Rainy Days....

 Globe Allium is such a good spot of color in the spring garden.  I am always glad to see them there and usually forget that I had planted it there. 

I give them the name of cemetery iris because one rhizome did come from the Murray Cemetery.  It is the oldest iris of its kind in the country in which the hybridizers turned in to much larger blooms.  I see they are sole as dwarf iris even though they are taller than a dwarf iris. 

Another cemetery iris from the same cemetery.  Notice the patterns of line design on the falls really are similar as the one above.  These iris are not as striking in colors but their history makes up for that.  I remember when my Aunt Lois would gather bunches of them and put them in glass jars with water and placed them on graves on Memorial Day.

Another one of the same variety has the darker purple falls and standards. The beards of the blue ones are white but notice the top one has a yellow beard. I have one more of a different color of the cemetery iris but it is not in bloom right now.  I will be moving it after it blooms as I think it is in a wet location  that will eventually rot it.

I have planted a fern leaf peony on my parents and brother's grave.  It comes up each year and increases in size but I never see it bloom.  It is in southern Iowa and they are a few weeks ahead of us in spring seasonal temperatures. 

We need the rain but it is coming in slow spells.  We are told that we are still two inches behind in rainfall.  It is soggy again today but not raining so much.  It is cold and damp and I just don't feel like being out in it even though have planting to do.  Maybe Friday will give me a great day to plant. 

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Interesting. The iris flowers I have here are like the second ones you posted. They were here when I moved here. I have kept separating them and moving them around.

    There were yellow ones too but I have no idea what happened to them.

    The old peonies are now about 10 good bunches instead of the two that my hubby used to just mow over.

    What a beautiful fern leaf peony. I've never seen one! Some day I'll have more than just the pink variety.

  2. Been raining off and on today. Nothing certain, but we just had a tornado warning and it is misting outside as I write this. I'm thankful for the slow downpour as my plants need it.
