Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 The great white is now in bloom. It has less blooms this year so I will need to dig it and spread it out some. 

The vine honeysuckle was not blooming.  I thought it was going to be a lost year but then it rained.  I was so surprised to see it  go into full bloom.

The blooms are made up of about a dozen small trumpet flowers.  It really is doing well even though it is on the dry side of house.

It has been planted with a lot of different kinds of flowers.  It is early so it isn't so showing.  I have a canna planted in there to that hasn't shown any visual growth. 

I planted some new dianthus in the front garden>  I had only one of them winter over this year so I thought I would new ones.  My mom called them "pinks" and some call them small carnations. The plant will grow much larger if I keep them watered. 

This yellow columbine has spread seed all over the garden.  I grew the wild variety at one time but these greenhouse created ones are still fun to have. 

I mowed the back yard this morning and cleared out the one almost dead dogwood shrub.  I ran out of time to do the other one as it is mostly dead too.  We can look forward to go to Earl May Nursery and pick out new and maybe different kinds of shrubs for that area.  I had a good neighborly visit with the guy next door and we really hadn't connected since being closed in all winter.  He likes to ask me questions about flowers and also weeds.  He and his wife planted vine vegetables yesterday and he was installing support screens for them as they grow.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I love seeing white blooms and blossoms in the garden, they draw your eye, especially at night. I have always loved Dianthus, such a hardly little flower, I hope yours continue to do well.

  2. I have dianthus too! I put on the other side of a large rock that separates it from a pink phlox. They look so chariming!
