Saturday, May 7, 2022

Saturday Showing....

 The neighbor's visiting truck just couldn't be cropped out of the picture.  The trees are just now starting to drop some petals from their many blooms.  Eventually it will look like it is snowing.

These are a couple of weeks late.  They will be a beautiful white and red tulips.  The variety is called Rembrandt because of their painterly coloring. 

We are predicted to get 90° temperatures for the week. I can see these fading pretty quickly with that kind of heat. 

This is a photo of a couple of days ago as they are now faded.  Tulips just don't hang around for very long. 

It has been a slow afternoon.  We are running the air conditioner to keep us comfortable inside.  It doesn't run all of the time but the afternoon sun does  heat up the house. Summer is coming too soon. 

Thanks for stopping in.......


  1. Everything is looking good! Love those red tulips!

  2. Those are beautiful. I can't wait until the apple trees [wild ones] blossom in the neighboring meadow. There are dozens of them and it smells so wonderful for a few days!

    Your tree looks beautiful.

  3. Beautiful tulips Larry, and yes, unfortunately the 90 degree heat will fade them fast.
    I love it when the blossoms on the trees fall like snowfall☺️

  4. Theres a lot in your yard.. all of it beautiful.
