Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day.....


I had a red bud at our old place and it was large.  This one is great but I can't wait for it to get larger. I won't be able to stand under it for a few more years. 

The grape hyacinth does eventually expand all those small balls into small blooms.  I just now saw that I have a geranium that is volunteer coming up in front of the grape hyacinth.  I surely never knew that it spread but I do have another that is growing away from the main plant.  I planted a small white flowering once at the old place but it didn't turn out to be like this one that was planted by the step by a previous owner. 

I would think the peonies would start to put out greener leaves soon.  I know that they all look like they have a lot of stems on them this year.  The ones that I planted are on their third year in the garden.  The previous owner had planted hybrid types of peonies here in the clay compacted soil. 

Rainy Mother's day today with no sunshine in sight. I took my wife out to eat this noon and we had a good time.  We are headed to having some high temperatures this week. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I wanted to get out and get a close-up photo of redbud blooms and because of rain and different things, I did not get it done.

  2. Oh, forgot to say that yours are so pretty...
