Monday, May 23, 2022

Water Fowl Visitors.....

 I looked out at my neighbor's pool seeing that they had removed the black plastic that covered it all winter.  I saw a form of a mallard and I thought they had a decoy out there floating.  Then the decoy came alive and was dipping its head in the water and spreading its wings.

There could have been dead bugs on the water but otherwise there was nothing there for him to eat.  He did like the water and was splashing water all over himself.

I did not see her at first but then she flew up on the edge of the pool and preened her feathers.  Eventually a neighbor to the north came out and saw them.  She yelled into the door to tell her husband to come look.  She scared them away. 

The white iris is going to bloom but there won't be many blooms. I need to dig it and spread the rhizomes.  They are too crowded and it has been two years or more since they were planted there. Judy who gave the white iris passed a couple of years ago but I will always remember her  when I see the blooms. I will dig and move things after they bloom. If it is too hot I will have to wait until fall.

 Some of the dogwood shrubs are blooming. My person who mowed last year notice that I had poison ivy along two of these shrubs and he was not going to mow there.  I got the poison ivy killer and sprayed just the ivy.  So I see now that it still killed parts of the red twig dogwoods.  I spent this morning cutting out the dead part in most of one of them.  I will have to return another day to do the next one.  They are dead enough that I may take them completely out and plant something else. 

I mowed the front yard today and watered new flowers and tomatoes.  It isn't too dry but I think the new things really need to be encouraged.  It would be nice to get all the roots established before the really hot weather hits.  I has been a busy morning and I will take the rest of the day off. It was a cool morning and I wore a stocking cap while working outside but this afternoon we will warm up to upper 60s.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. If Poison Ivy is near a shrub put on a rubber glove and then a cloth glove and wet your glove and put it on the leaves...then throw the gloves away:)

  2. This wouldn't work for you but my neighbor had a lot of poison ivy in her woods until her goats gobbled it all up.

    The grey dogwood should be blossoming on our ridge road !!! I need to check it out!
    Thanks for the reminder!
