Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Fun....

 The sun continue to rise each day where we live.  Some days I don't always see it due to many different circumstances.  The earth stops tilting to the one way and will now tip back.  In the big picture the eastern sun rises are between my maple and blue spruce tree.  I can now start watching its position back to the right of the blue spruce and beyond. 


Our son and his wife are visiting now along with the five grandchildren.  It has been six months since we last saw them.  The grand boys remember us well but the three year old granddaughter is still shy.  They are spending their day at our local Adventureland Park.  We did not go with them. 


We had three fourths of an inch of rain this past night and it was needed. We were still wet through mid morning. I didn't have to water anything and the rain does a better job than I do anyway. While everyone was at the theme park my wife and I went to Hobby Lobby for an outing.  We went into the mall near there for a sandwich for the first time in two years. It was good to be back into the mall and on a week day it was not so crowded. 

It is great to have company and we are glad we have the house with lots of rooms to hold them all.  The downstairs walkout basement is great for everyone to stay.  Our second grandson we have such a nice house for him to play.   Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. When you said you were having company, I was hoping you got to see grandkids. They are such a bright spot in the day.

  2. Playing with the kids is awesome. So glad they came for a visit. I miss seeing my grands!
