Wednesday, June 22, 2022



Knock Out rose is fading as it is about done with its first bloom season.  I will cut them back soon and it will set new buds again.



I planted it at the bottom of the stairs. It really likes the location and has doubled in size in just one year. 

I planted glad a few weeks ago and the rabbits starting eating off the tops of them last week. I planted one more row last week and put up the fence to keep the rabbits out.  It is good that the bulbs keep from season to season. 

We are up to 87° and it feels hot.  I watered things this morning and pulled weeds where I could reach. Rain is predicted some time in the next few days. We have company coming tomorrow so we are busy getting things ready. It will be fun. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It's a lovely sight seeing the Knock Out roses, we lost ours years ago when the blight hit, and have been hesitant to replant since.
    This hot weather is taking its toll on everything already so early in Summer.

  3. The Rose's are beautiful...for some reason I have always been afraid to try growing them.

    Have fun with the company.
