Friday, June 17, 2022

Friendly Friday....

 The evening sky showed a glow in the east even though the sun was in the opposite direction.  The patterns created a one point perspective effect. All lines point to the east.



Looking to the west you can see the sun has just set over my suburbia hill.  It had heated up in the afternoon and was starting to cool down to 70°. 

In the front raised beds the roses are starting to fade. It is a sad time as they look good at a distance but I see I have lots of blooms to now cut back. 

I planted the two yucca plants a few years ago.  I knew they would look good there.  The rabbits were hungry two winters ago and chewed them down to the bases in their middles.  This year there are finally blooms.  I had gotten the starts from the old place where we had lived and rarely there did we see them bloom. I am thinking I had the original starts of this plant for 25 years when I built a mound garden in the front yard with a large rock too.


The flowers are actually bell shapes hanging on the stems. I want to be sure and get the visual shot of this when they are all open at the same time. 

We are 87° this afternoon and it is sunny.  I needed to mow the yard today but was busy with other chores inside and on the patio.   There is always tomorrow the grass will keep.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful sky shots. Love the yucca plant...mine have not bloomed yet, but are getting ready to.

  2. Gorgeous yuccas! I'm surprised you have them blooming already.
