Saturday, June 18, 2022

Sat Stuff.....

 Front yard is now mowed.  It is nice that it isn't too hot.  When I do the back I am going to face about 15 degrees hotter. 

I modified a post that I  had in my board pile to create a stand for another birdhouse. Yes it is garden art and it looks good against that fence.  I planted two new iris in the area and moved some iris from the dark area of the garden over into the light.  I have five of them now in the section agains the fence. I will baby them as it isn't the best time to plant them. Rhizomes are pretty tough though and I gave them some good commercial garden soil to grow in instead of the clay that is all along the fence line. 

I planted six seeds and I got one to grow.  The weather wasn't great for them to grow and the crazy guy who mulched back there took out a couple of them.  I have started some in a pot and will transplant them when they are big enough. 

Our oldest son was here to attend a funeral so we had a nice breakfast out with him. He was good company and we caught up on a lot of things.  He headed home to the Chicago area right after the Saturday morning funeral. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice that you had a visit with your son! Hope you are staying cool. We are braced for the heat tomorrow. It was a great day today high of 75 and windy:)

  2. Your yard art is beautiful and colorful. I love how it looks against the fence.
    Watch out for the heat.
    We are supposed to get hot Monday and Tuesday.

  3. Glad you got to see your of our daughter just left a bit ago. I always hate to see either one leave.
