Monday, June 6, 2022



 The area is getting cleaned out a bit with all the painting mess. I am not done but it helps to clear the clutter.  I had to stop painting on the poles and supports to do some wood molding addition.

The guy who built the sunroom and deck was a thorough builder.  It seems though he didn't have the time to finish up the bases of the supports. As you can see things are gaped and the four really were not cut to fit the dimensions of the pole.  All eight of them looked like this.  

I spent my morning cutting strips of wood from a pine board for the finished look.  I cut all the strips and then fit them to each side of each pole. None of them were exactly the same size so it took a lot of back and forth walking to the saw to get the four pieces cut for each one.  Thirty two in total pieces with a half dozen of pieces that were too short and I could not use. I tried to be accurate on the fits as I was covering up shoddy work. This evening I slipped down and gave them each a first coat a paint to help speed things up when I start to put on the second coat. 

We did get about an inch and a half of rain last night.  I lasted through the early morning so I could not mow.  It did put some iris and peonies on the ground but it wasn't too bad.  Neighboring areas got twice the amount that us and that would have wiped out a lot of flowers.  I will mow tomorrow when things dry out and will bag the grass as it is just too tall to mulch up.  

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. The way you finished the bases looks great. Once painted, anyone would think it the plan from the beginning.
