Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Sunday Times.....not!

 Clipped and ready to be made into a flower arrangement.  They are starting to fade so I keep bringing them in to enjoy them up close. 

The white peony is still doing good but one rose colored peony is already faded and dead looking now.

It is in its second blooming season and looks great.  I think I will need to move it but hopefully it won't stunt it for next years bloom time. 


 This peony is the one that is now gone for the season.  It is an old fashion one and there might be a few late blooms from the buds.  I have two peonies that still didn't do well because we just didn't get enough rain.  I am going to spread enriched soil around them to maybe inspire blooms next year.  They did bloom last year so why one just ends up having dead buds confuses me. Our clay-like soil is one of the big problems.

While out cutting flowers around noon time I noticed it isn't nice out there.  The humidity is very high and the hot sun made it hard to be outside.  I have plans to work tomorrow but I will have to start early in the morning.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. No kidding on the humidity! Yesterday when I woke up and today ~ Monday ~ there is a deep fog and rain.
    It will look like a rain forest soon!

    Love the flowers. I love your variety. I have one kind of peony and one kind of iris. However, each bunch of flowers are flowering at different times here!

  2. If we were neighbors we would swap irises...
