Sunday, June 19, 2022

Old Time Rose.....

Isolated and alone he is sitting under a rose bush and dogwood shrub.  The vine weed is at its feet and a few weeds to the left need to be pulled.  Things are overgrown and I need to spend time pruning things back. 

The antique rose that I moved from the old place is loving the life in a new building development.  The house was over one hundred years old and who knows how long that bush was planted there, probably shared from another neighbor to have roses in the spring. 

The blooms are so traditionally old looking and it is a joyful bush to have in the yard.  It bloomed every year that I lived at the old place for over forty years.  I had to move it as I built a room on top of where it originally was planted. 

Have a great day this Sunday.


  1. Happy Father's day.

    I had not thought about the history of plants/flowers like that. Who knows, it may have originally come across the prairie on a covered wagon!

  2. I love your beautiful yard. There is a rose bush at the top of our driveway like this. I wonder how it got there and if I could transplant it. It smells so wonderful!
    I like to admire it when it is in bloom and I am getting the mail.
