Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Week's Middle Day....





I have to research the name of this yellow flower from my past blog. My dear friend Mildred is gone so I have to do the work myself.  I inherited this buttercup-like flower and really like the yellow flowers. I am off to Ace Hardware to buy more supplies.  I need another gallon of paint, more mulch, and some seed for my goldfinches.  I saw one goldfinch so I know that they are out there.  Knowing me I will end up with more than three items but I have to wait until nine o'clock before they open. We had another rain in the night so it is too wet to work in the garden.  It will stay cooler today.  Have a good day.


1 comment:

  1. The yellow flower is a primrose. It is a four petaled flower while the buttercup is a five petaled flower.
