Thursday, June 9, 2022

Thurs. Things.....


 The internet says the young morning doves are called squabs.  Our pair succeeded in raising more fledglings. We don't see them as a group but they did get a few new birds out there.  They are smaller but soon will be the same size of the adults. 

They are skidish and it is hard to get a shot of them even through my window.  The adults really don't seem so scared of movement but the young ones flee immediately at any motion. 

Our deck has finally dried off from the early morning rain yesterday.  We are catching up on our moisture after two years of drought.  Our Des Moines River is running full so we won't be running out of water this year. 

I like the peony as a hedge so I will be deheading all the blooms and just let it grow naturally all summer.  Old timers use to mow them down immediately after the bloom season.  I will trim the row a little if it sags but it stays through late fall. 

I have moved some of these primrose plants to all my other garden areas.  It is nice to have a strong simple yellow bloom showing up as the iris are all fading.  I read that they spread by seed. 

I am back at painting on the house today.  I only work mornings so it is taking me a longer period of time.  I sneak other projects into my morning but I am determined to get the painting done by Friday.  I have a garden shed looking really shabby that sits under the north end of the complex so it is going to get painted too.  I need to make another trip to Ace as I have bought the wrong part for something.  I hate when I do that. Thanks for checking

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are flourishing beautifully, I wish we had Peonies, but sadly the deer would devour them.
    Good luck with your painting, it's a hard slog when the heats turned up
