Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Through or Down....

 Looking through the railing to see the yellow roses of Ankeny.  It looks good and one can't really plan for this to happen, but it works good. 

Looking through the living room window I an see my painted old chair.  I use it for a resting place while I am waiting for the meat to cook on the grill. One of my 13 bird houses sits out on display.  I did end up giving one each to the two sons.

Looking through from behind the oxalis foliage.  It really is interesting that I need to rotate it and I don't so half of it died off and the other half next to the window does fine. 

Looking out and down from the deck I have the garden ready for my wife to plant her flower seeds. She had a set of free seeds from fundraiser people and today was the day to get them in the ground. We had a two inch rain and the ground was perfect for fine flower seed.   The fences are up because the rabbits were eating off the tops of the glads.  I am sure they might like some fresh sprouts of flowers too. The panels are held with thin posts that can be pulled up and out and the screens are just moved away while we work in the garden area. 

I have been to Ace to get more raised bed soil and also two bags of mulch.  I will spread that when I feel like it.  No hurry but it is good to have it ready to go.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love that old painted chair. I hope your wife's flower seeds come up and thrive.

  2. Wow that yellow rose is a beauty! Everything looks great!
