Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Heat Indexes at 108°......



The very last of the cemetery iris that will gone by tomorrow.  The heat is already taking it out.  I have enjoyed this variety of older iris.


I don't know what this flower is.  I inherited it from Arlyn.  I am not sure I would ever plant it myself as it comes up like a weed and then surprises me with these flower.  I call them part of his hippie garden a he has planted so many natural flowers that I can control  

 The heat is hard on everything including me.  I did get the backyard mowed this morning with one break in the middle.  I am now sitting in the air in the sun room drinking warmed over breakfast coffee and a glass of water.  I want to go out one more time and sink a new columbine into the ground and put wire fences around the gladolias.  The rabbits are chewing away on the new sprouts.  I have two bags of mulch to spread but don't know if I can do all of that with it already being so hot. My local tv channel says it is already 85°.  If I get hydrated maybe I can go out for a short time.  There is a breeze and it wants to blow off my hat.


  1. Pretty rose and I think your mystery flower is a Penstemon. Stay cool!

  2. I am so thankful for Far Side of Fifty...I think she is right. I really like that flower.

  3. It has been miserable hot here, too...99 as I type.
