Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tuesday's Things....

  Faded but in great form the zinnia is in decline. The color is a deeper purple because it is fading.

Hurricanes give us strange cloud formations here in the middle states. It is a different kind of texture because of the mixture of cold air mixing with the warmer sunshine. 

I have lived here for five years and I have never had a house with vinyl siding.  I had to buy a power washer and wash the house just like you would with your car at the car wash. The dust doesn't really get washed off of the siding on certain sides of the house.  The mold can and did form on that dust and so one can't wash it off with a garden hose.  I now have the northeast side of the house done after a two day effort.  Only three sides of the house to go.  The northeast side of the house also has some mold as it is shaded all day because of the houses placement with the lot.  The power sprayer works but I still had to go over the areas many times to get it to cut the dirt and stain.

Fall is upon us.  The sunflower has leaves in decline as the colder days keep up in our air. It is cold work working outside and I have to wear my parka to stay comfortable to be out there. 

The hardy geraniums did not do well this summer.  I keep getting thTese small groups of blooms that look like they are struggling.  The drought kept them from doing well even when the received watering from the watering can. 

These hardy geraniums are blooming but as you see they are not robust.  The rains did bring them back but it is really the first time they bloomed.  The would bud and then just dry up and look like they had been frosted. 

This is the last of the phlox blooms.  I will have to stop washing the house and mow tomorrow.  I am two days behind my neighbors in mowing but Wednesday and Thursday are my two days to mow.  I held to that because my grass is so green and it seems sad to mow it down.  

Time to shut this down for today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I just started to appreciate geraniums these past few years. Mine are doing really well right now and showing off. I planted them in buckets so I could move them out of the harsh sun in the worst of the summer heat.

    I woke up today to 32 degrees! Thankfully I covered some of my plants and moved the others to shelter.
    Fall is here!

  2. That is lots of work to wash the house! Hope you take it slow!
