Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Wednesday's Ways.....

 The frost really did not happen but the leaves of the plant were wilted most of the day.  There are so many buds that I hope the vine recoups from the very cold night.  I think we were down to 36° F. and it did stay cold all day. Our high was 64° F. which isn't bad if you wear a hooded sweatshirt when you are outside working. 

This morning there was this one painted lady out and about.  It actually was sunning itself to warm up from the chilly air. 

A female downy woodpecker showed up at the suet feeder this morning.  I had a male show up last week so I was glad any woodpecker would return to the feeders. They are all so busy eating that it is hard to get them totally in focus.  The bottom of the yellow feeder is in perfect focus. 

With a turn of the head I got a portrait of the downy. It is in focus.  It was there to eat seed from that feeder at first before it moved over to the suet. 

Because of the threat of frost I picked some tomatoes.  They will ripen inside.  The northern Iowa area did get a harder freeze but we did luck out as not getting that cold. 

I mowed the back yard this morning wearing layers to keep warm.  It was really needing it so I just plugged through it.  I then returned to my power pressure machine to start washing the north side of the house.  It is going to take me one more day to get that done.  It is a lot of time and work to get it all washed down. When I return it will require step ladders and a tall ladder to reach all of it.  I am going to take tomorrow off from the house washing though as I need time off from it. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We froze last night also. Your Morning Glory is so pretty!

  2. We frosted Tuesday night but perhaps we got lucky last night. We will have fog this morning.

    Your flowers are beautiful. I like seeing the woodpeckers back at the feeder.
