Friday, October 7, 2022

Finishing it Off....

 The sun has yet to show but the glow shows its intent.  The vapor trails of the jets gives us a pattern to study while we wait for the sun. 

It is eleven o'clock at the evening and I decided to get a shot.  I saw someone else's photo on fb.  Wearing socks, shorts and a t-shirt was not proper attire.  The wind was blowing and I snapped as soon ans it focused.  I can't believe that my shivering didn't make it blurry.  I ran back inside gasping and shaking.  That was a dumb thing for me to do. I'm not a teen ager but that is what I was acting like. 

Bad memories go with this trellis.  I was trying to put it together and had no strength to do it.  It was tight fitting but I didn't know how sick that I was.  Fast forward two years plus and I am so much better. I survived and deal with the residue of my ailments.  I should buy another trellis and put it together with renewed strength.  Our freeze, if it happens, will take out the morning glories. 

The asters are doing well right now.  They still look needy for moisture.  This is a plant that just doesn't show up so soon in the spring.  It just shows up by July and I can see the buds forming in late August. 

I need to move this guy.  It is sitting among weeds and two bushes have over grown it.  I am sure I can get it moved soon. 

I am going to miss this field of flowers.  I am sure their end is near.  I still have to dig the glads that are growing at the back of the zinnias.  I will be busy picking tomatoes this pm to bring them in from the cold.  The can ripen inside.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Another great moon shot! And nice Morning Glories too!

  2. Your flowers still look beautiful. It will be sad to see them go, but I guess fall is here and winter will arrive also.

    I'm so glad that you are doing much better than when you built the trellis.

    That moon shot is spectacular. I was out hiking tonight in the moon light!
