Saturday, October 8, 2022

Saturday's Scatterings....

 Final harvest to beat the frost/freeze event.  Most of them will ripen as I set them out onto the table and pick them out as we need them. 

I also picked a few more zinnias to bring in for enjoyment.  I didn't think our freeze would be so hard to harm them but I know that they will decline quicker now that they have experienced 29 ° F.  

After taking the shot I went for some scissors to use to shorten the one taller stemmed zinnia.  I keep them out on the sunroom table incase we both have allergies to them.  I think the air outside in general if full of lot of pollutants. 

The most of the blooms were bothered by the frost.  This one did survive.  The purple morning glories that grow among the tomato patch were  hit hard.  The flowers were destroyed and the vines are just black, dead, and gone. 

The hardy geranium has not bloomed since I planted it with the blooms already on it.  The drought shut them down along with the petunias.  It was reported on the weather that we are still ten inches low on our rainfall.  We go rains a couple of time the past three weeks that helped to bring our grass back and these flowers.  Our rivers are still low. 

I brought these in last week and then took them back out.  Last evening I brought them in again and I think they are just going to stay.  Carrying them in and out gets to be ridiculous. The begonia has not looked so goo for such a long time.  It has liked the cooler weather and I did keep it watered.

I took down the last peony bush this morning in the very cold weather.  I didn't stay out very long.  I did start a process of killing a vine on the north side of the house.  I didn't plant it. It has been a problem as I can't keep up with trimming it back.  It spreads everywhere.  I read in a recent garden magazine that called it a thug.  It said one should really consider another vine.  I have cut all the vine stems with my reciprocating saw to shut down the growth.  I will probably have to cut up the trellis that it is on into small pieces and sent it to the dump piece by piece.  

It is great to have it to be Saturday. I hope you all have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Your Zinnias are so pretty! I don't bring plants need a rolling cart!
