Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday and its not Freezing.....

 It was brighter in color but our hard freezes turned them brown.  Hopefully the rest of the leaves will be bright.  We are 78° this afternoon and I can hear the neighbors up the street having a pool party.  They are teenagers judging by the kind of music they are playing. 

The colder weather through the week has helped make the mums look better.  We still are in a drought and they have been affected by it.

While clearing the last of the tomato garden I found the last of the onions.  They seem to want to keep growing and I am too lazy to cut off their tops.  The pear tomatoes keep ripening in their special bowl.

My new mum looked a little bit like this.  It got damaged from our freezing weather turning lots of it brown.  The green leaves are still good so next fall I will see it bloom again.  I had to dig into clay hard soil to plant it and I replaced the dirt with potting soil. 

We are going to have a few more above normal temps days.  It does all balance out as the cold will return.  We were off to the pet store today to buy supplies for fish and birds.  Our visit to the grocery store resulted in a full grocery cart full of good needed things.  Friday morning is a good time to shop there as there was not congestion in the aisles.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You found a good time to shop! Now that our tourists are gone the grocery store has way less people but I still order pick up at Wally world:)
