Saturday, October 22, 2022

Stuff for Saturday....

 The sun comes up to heat us up again today.  The sky is clear so it can heat up quickly. Summer weather really is nice after below freezing wind chills that we had on Monday.

Looking northwest out the sun room the glow of the sun lights up the two trees.  They are not as bright as the could be as the freezing weather dulled the leaf color.  The photo gives off many reflections of the glass of the neighbor's window, the screens on the windows and the reflection on the glass of the sun room. The neighbor's window actaully is reflecting the sun rise just like my photo above. 

The zinnias have all been properly placed into the recycle bags and are ready for pick up.  They don't qualify as grass nor leaves but the stems are giant grass stems and the leaves on the plants are leaves.  I could send them into the garbage, landfill, but these will recycle. 

We are headed to southern Iowa today for my cousin's funeral.  It is my early life's tromping grounds but I did move away after high school to middle Iowa. I didn't return much as I felt like I needed to move on with my life.   I haven't seen that many relatives since then so it will be like a reunion. I am a younger cousin to the other cousins so they will be older looking than me.  The cousin that passed though, was five years younger than me. It is a good day and a bad day to experience.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

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