Monday, October 10, 2022



 The pots will need to be fired, made hot, to finish off their first stage of development. They need to become bisque ware before they can be glazed and refired.

 In reverse, the zinnias have now been frozen.  Their decline is evident as I view the field of flowers.  The cold didn't seem to be that cold but It was cold enough to start the change in their lives. I see so many dead flowers now as they immediately lost their color.

I am so glad that I brought the begonia inside to avoid the frost. They would look really bad if they had been put into the freeze. 

I guess it is time to go outside and blow my shofar horn and declare the dead season is approaching.  I visited my endocrinologist this morning and I am holding my own.  The Mercy Med Organization has had its web hacked so all info is shut down in all the clinics and hospitals. We had to do the check up the old fashion way and write everything down.  My next appointment is on paper to be determined with the web is back up again.  No info has been lost.  It is just locked down. We went downtown for the appointment and then travels around a couple of miles more to find an art store.  We never found it but as I got home and viewed its website I see we were in the parking lot.  We just could not see the front door as it was facing a different side of the building than where we were looking.  It was a modern angled doorway and it wasn't easy to find.  We will go back.  It is only eight miles away from us.  Have a great Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that you are holding your own! That horn is very interesting:)
