Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tuesday's Things.....

 Our effects of the drought can be seen in many places.  The rose hips are so few and are shriveled. There are not as many as there has been in the past years. 

I dug the glads this morning.  They were growing in a very dry, hard soil.  I usually can just pull them by the stems but not this year.  I had to get down with a trowel and force them up and out of the ground. I do like rabbits but they kept me from having blooms this year.  I had three stems of flowers from all of these bulbs.  Gardeners don't die the just keep trying and I will plant them again next year.  I have woven wire that will go up around the planting.

We are having a warm day.  I had a parka on outside and it was too much for me.  I took pictures this morning as I was out of stock of any new visuals.  Everything is in decline now with our past frost and lack of water.

I did work on the wheel this morning. When it gets to be below freezing I won't be throwing pots anymore.  I had a neighborly visit with the one from the north and that concluded my morning. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are staying busy though!
    My zinnias are all brown, however, the marigolds are going still!

    Lucky us, we actually had a bit of rain and now we are to have high winds.
