Saturday, October 15, 2022

Saturday's a Go......

 A male downy woodpecker showed up this morning for some suet. He stayed long enough that I could get way too many pictures. 

The female downy was at the feeder a few days ago. She is identified as the female because she does not have a red cap. 

This is my neighbors rose sitting next to my pink rose. It is a knock out rose that sits next to my pastel pink one in sharp contrast.  It is a good thing.


My pink rose keeps putting out a few blooms. It won't be long before the last of them as we keep getting colder. 

There were three panels of these dead vines.  I spent the morning taking a saw and cutting them into four pieces.  Once they were cut up I could pull off the vines from the latticed trellis.  I had a very large pile of dead vines which are now all bagged up for recycle.  I am glad that it is done.  It was such a mess.   I have new trellises ordered to replace these.  They will be a bright white set of three.  I may have to wait until spring to install them even  though I am eager to get them up. 

It was cold outside today as I worked but one just gets use to it as our side of the earth cools down.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Looks like you won the vine war! Roundup might be a solution so it doesn't come back! Your roses are lovely! A bright spot in my day!

  2. Fighting vines like that is like having a personal little war!

    Those roses are amazing.
