Sunday, October 16, 2022

Random Things with Thoughts....


It is full of seeds and I am sure I need to cut it soon if I want to save it from the birds right now.  I can save it and feed it in chunks during the cold winter monts. I went out to collect some rose blooms for a vase and had to do a fall report on the things in the yard.


 Tomorrow I will start to collect seed heads.  I won't know some of the colors anymore as they are all to dead to see the original color.

 The phlox is putting out the very last of its blooms.  It seems to be a tough one for the cold but I did see our strong winds for a couple of days caused some ot the stems to just lay on the ground.


 It is in the last of it blooming time as most all the cottage garden is at its end of the season.  Even the weeds are dead from the cold and the drought.



It is getting almost too cold for these blooms.  The cold is causing its colors to be different than the original heavenly blue.  I am happy to see them each morning but won't be surprised when then are dead one morning. 


The moon is in the phase location where it will be too far in the east for me even to see it. I guess I keep taking its photo because is is still right there.  It is between my maple and blue spruce and in a couple of more nights it will be just too  low in the sky.  Trying to stay warm today as it is just cold again.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Cold up here too I had to get out some lined boots to mulch. Next comes the parka! :(

  2. It was cold and windy here too. All my flowers are done for and I'm going to stake out my goat near the old flowers and let him do most of the clean up for me.

    I wonder if that will work?

    Worth a try.
