Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Too Cold Tuesday.....

 I never know what to do with this plant.  I eventually cut some of it back after it has died down a lot. It is a variety of Japanese iris.  I use to call it flag iris but I don't think that is correct. 

I started to pull up the zinnias this morning.  I had to quit as it was too cold.  We were below freezing for most of the morning. If I do a few each day I can finish it by Friday.

The sedum blooms are in decline but the foliage of it takes a lot of hard freezes to slow it down. My inherited telephone box is always a part of some of the garden photos. 

I am so happy with the growth of this redbud tree.  It actually has large leaves.  It is turning color now an it won't be that showy but it does change. 

This has now been killed from the freeze.  It held out longer than the vines in the tomato patch.  I will collect seeds when they look like they are ready to be taken.  

I just couldn't work outside today.  It is still below freezing at the noon time.  I see we will get into the 60°s on Thursday so maybe I can then mow my back yard.  It is shaggy.  I worked on shelves to hold houseplants this morning to hold some of the plants that I brought in.  I have two geraniums that I would like to see blooming.  I had to design it so the cockaieil birds can stll look over it through the sliding glass door window. They really like seeing outside and squawking at birds, dogs ,or cats that they see in their view. They have mistakenly squawked at me when I am outside on the patio. Wishing for it to warm up sooner but it is Iowa.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Real cold here this morning. it was about 11 F. Real frosty! I didn't look at my Sedum but it is probably done for the year:(

  2. I meant to take in my geraniums but guess what? I didn't and I think I may have to abandon the idea of over wintering them.

    It was cold yesterday! The winds were something else!
