Monday, October 17, 2022

Breezy Monday.....

 Yes, it is iced over water.  The birds will have to wait a few more hours before it will be melted a little. 

With a hard freeze it makes it time to start to bring in the seeds. It is too cold to be out there.  I go out for short periods of time and then come back in to warm up a bit.  

I went out a second time to collect more zinnia heads.  I like to let them dry out for a good time and then will pull the seeds off and place them in uncovered jars. 


The marigolds needed today's hard freeze to get them ready for harvest.  They are still moist and really haven't gone into the seed development stage.  I collected some anyway but will go out at the last of the week and try again.  I need to start pulling all of the plants and Friday is suppose to warm up. 

This ground cover did put out some more blooms this fall.  I didn't plant this and am not really happy with it.  I think it has invaded too closely to cone flowers causing them to die. 

It is warm inside and the roses are happy in a glass jar with plenty of water.  It is the time of the year that weather just controls the outside projects.  We have bad wind chills and it is best to be inside.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Yes an inside day today up here too! Those roses are ever so pretty! Stay warm ! The ground cover with the pink bloom looks like Lamium one of the Sweet Nancys or some such name to can move it easily, or dig it out and take cuttings.

  2. Yesterday was an inside day for us also. I intended to bring in my geraniums but I think our 26 degree evening may have harmed them? Not sure.
    Marigold seed collection will start soon! I will have lots of them!

    The roses are wonderful!
