Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Tuesday.....Dull and Cold.


 You won't find Nemo in the gold fish tank.  He likes salty, warm water and not goldfish water.

This guy has not fount Nemo either. He is giving me the evil eye because the camera is pointing at him. 

Two lone blooms of dianthus are surviving the cold.  They did not do well this year but maybe they will come back and have a better year.

The last of the phlox is putting out some color.  The have bloomed for a long time.  We are 45° F. and it feels cold.  I  could get out with some hoody or coat and walk around but I am not going to work out there today.  I have some spent marigolds to dig up and recycle.  When I get that done I will have to get out the tiller and work on the soil. I am not happy about the cold but I will have to adjust.  It might warm up a bit next week.  The cold slows my ambition to work in general.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The Phlox really did well! Wow!

    My dianthus did pretty well this year I hope they expand a bit next year.

    Chilly overcast day!
