Monday, October 24, 2022

Sprinkles on a Gray Day.....


The sedum turns to a darker color as the cold air moves in today.  The freeze did turn the leaves to a yellow color but it didn't kill the plant.


 We have had strong winds for a couple of days and the clump birch across the street had its leaves stripped off.  The birch loses its leaves in a couple of days anyway once they start to drop.

It was 70° F.  while I was out taking shots this morning and during that time the temps dropped.   I had to quit and come in as the winds picked up and we went to 58° F.  I didn't have a coat on and the wind chills were bad. 

The winds caused the locust tree to drop a lot of its foliage. The dogwood bush is reacting to the change in weather as well as its drought conditions.  We are getting sprinkles today which is better than no rain at all. 

I dumped today the last of the rose bouquet.  There are no roses outside left to bring inside now. The summer is gone. 

My potter's wheel is outside.  I did make one more pot today but I think that it is about time to shut down the process down for the winter.  Throwing pots with parkas on is a challenge.  When I am done I put the sleeves of the parka under the faucet and wash them off.  The whole parka isn't messed up,  just the cuffs. I now have 30 different sizes of pots done now. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow those pots look great and you have been busy.
    Most of our foliage has turned and between the rain and the winds now the leaves have been stripped.

    It is on to the next season, right?
