Friday, November 4, 2022


 The fall evenings seem to have great sunsets.  I didn't see this at first but I looked out onto the back yard view and the neighbor's house had a pink light on it.  I grabbed the camera and went out front to see this. 



I tilled the raised garden a few days ago.  The 83 year old neighbor wanted to do it for me but I thought I should do it myself. He started the machine for me and I did it.  The animal that crossed back and forth and left tracks I really can not identify.  The tiller I inherited and I lent it to the older guy and he got it all running and he is so glad that he doesn't have to buy one. 

Here is a close up view of the animal tracks.  I know that it isn't a mountain lion.  I know that it wasn't a deer.  I think it might have been a dog but why was he walking over it.  It could have been a cat but I think they are spaced too far apart for that.   I guess I need to get a night camera.

I went outside to work on my potter's wheel this morning and I got the shivers while there.  I quit quickly and I guess I will hang up my hat for pottery work for the season.  We were at 42° at the time so I should have known better.  We will drive south tomorrow for a funeral.  It is predicted that we may have snow in the morning.  I am not ready for winter.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I wonder what it was a Fox maybe:) It is cold here too but no snow:)

  2. We have rain for the second day in a row and hopefully it will eventually stop even though we needed the rain a lot.

    The tilled garden looks nice. Mine is just a pile of dead zinnias. The birds love it so I'll leave it and add a pile of sticks next to the bird feeders for them to get out of the winds.

    Sorry you have to go for a funeral. Stay warm and safe!
