Thursday, November 3, 2022

Thursday's Things......

 The morning shot was a good one.  It faded to gray soon afterward so I must have just hit it at its peak time. 

I finally broke off the flower stems on the yuccas.  They had drying seed pods that the birds did empty.  I walked by and tried to bend them off and they snapped easily. 

All of my iris moves were successful.  This is a happy sight when you plant them and wonder what really will happen.  I hope that they were moved soon enough that I can get some blooms from a few of them this spring.  I moved some from an area where there was too much wet clay and the did not ever bloom after a few years.  They should be happy in there new locations and fresh commercial garden soil in which to grow. I wanted to get more tulip bulbs in but I need to buy them first. 

The burning bush was an older one and the drought took most of it out.  I kept trimming it back and this is what I have.  I should have bought a new one for the front and just eliminate this one.  I will let it live through another season. 

Our oldest son was at out home for two days. We attended a funeral of my wife's sister-in-law. She was aunt Linda to the kids and our son didn't hesitate to come back for it.  We got two new school photos of our grandsons. AJ is a fourth grader this year and Teddie is in first grade.  Ella is three and and a half years old and attends daycare three times a week  The newest photo of her isn't so new. 

It was a long day with the funeral visitation and funeral.  We were then at the grave site in Grimes, Iowa.  After a small meal our son took off to get to his family again. He was home by 7:00 in the evening.   We have another funeral to attend on Saturday.  I am hopping I will able to see some of my nieces and nephews there as they lost an uncle on their mom's side. That will make funeral three in less than a month and a half.  I hope that will be the last for a long while.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your Grands are growing up! Sorry you have been going to so many funerals, they seem to go in spurts. My sympathy to you all:)
