Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday's Report.....

 The sky is not showing that it will be a record low day in temperatures.  The wind chills are in the minus numbers. The sun shines a bit in spite of the temps.

It is crowded at the sparrow feeder as they eat to stay warm.  When I think there could not be any more birds at the feeder a few more fly in and crowd around the seed. 

The junco ignores the sparrows and flies in whenever it wants.  I don't think that are more than three of them out there yet but more will come. 

The last of the birdhouses are now all been brought inside.  I usually let the plastic geese stay outside but I am thinking I could bring them into the storage shed. The wind shifted snow around yesterday and we did get a light snow sometime during the day. Today it is just blowing snow around again. 

The bird sculpture stays warm as the daylight glows on it. The sculpture was probably intended to go outside but it never will. 

I made a major step forward by digging out the snowblower.  I now need to buy some gas to put in it and try to get it started.  It is too cold in the garage to even mess with it but I left it out t here to remind me of a job to get done. I am still dealing with the effects from the virus crud so my energy level lasts only so long.  We both are so much better and yet we are still living under the weather.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Getting sick like that and recovering takes time. I hope you continue to improve.

  2. You should probably hire a snow removal company! We still have Juncos here so I suppose it will continue snowing:(
