Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday Snow Scene.......

 It is 21° F. and suppose to feel like 11°.  I have no plans to venture out even though I did go out onto the deck for a second.  We are suppose to warm up tomorrow to above freezing.  That will be so great.

I was trying to get a shot of a downy woodpecker.  All I got was this sparrow instead. The woodpecker just didn't want to stick around.  We are having a bright sunny day right now and the sparrows are a mob at the feeder. 

My deer do not look so great sitting in the downstairs but when lighted at night they look great. I am anxious to get them out of my workroom and plan to put them out way early of Thanksgiving.  We have neighbors in the neighborhood that have their Christmas lights up on the houses already.  They are turning them on too. 

We are having a quiet Saturday with lots of resting taking place.  I am sure we will feel better sometime in our future. It has been two weeks now since we were infected with this virus while attending a funeral.  I will always have negative feelings about Southern Iowa now knowing how badly we felt after the visit. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. The snow looks pretty but I'm sure it is cold feeling. I really had to bundle up yesterday in my heavy coveralls to get chores done.

    I sure hope you get feeling better soon. 2 weeks is a long time to feel yucky.
