Thursday, December 22, 2022

Friged, Frozen, Fun......

 I rushed through a dozen plus Christmas cards this morning and took them to the mailbox at the end of my drive.  That snow was bad but the wind chill was horrible.  I question why I even went out there.  Our wind chill was -35 ° F. and I didn't want to turn my face into the wind to open the mailbox.  We cooled down from -8 ° to -11 °F.  I won't go get the mail until tomorrow.  I will probably have to clear my drive tomorrow.  I got my snow blower started up for the season yesterday so it is ready to go.  I am not ready to go. I see we will warm up to a -4° F. tomorrow.  That will be like a heatwave, not!

The snow piled up on the roof of the bird feeder gives me an idea as to what I have accumulated on the deck. I filled the hanging feeder yesterday and I bet tomorrow I will have to fill it again. 

The juncos were hitting the tray feeder but the sparrows were filling up all the spaces. They were eating and swinging along with the feeder as the wind blew. 

The birds don't like the feeder being filled in with snowfall but the do learn how to scratch it out to get to the seed.  Birds do have a way of giving an expression with their head movements.  This bird kept looking back to the pine tree thinking it should return to the safety from the weather. 

The weather did help me get some late Christmas cards done.  It is keeping me from finishing my shopping of a couple of gifts.  I am banking on tomorrow being better without so much wind but I could go on Saturday morning if I have to.  I hate waiting but I just can't go out there with it this cold.  Saturday will be so crowded.    Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The birds have been great to watch here. They obviously love the feed we put out for them and need it because of the cold weather.

    Merry Christmas Eve!
