Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Snow Starts......

 The snow storm started at 3:30 today.  It was very cold this morning in the single digits. It is now 16° F.  The snow is falling and the birds are crowding around the feeders.

We looked out onto our deck this morning and there was a flock of juncos.  We have seen only a couple the past month but the larger flocks have hit our town.  They come from Canada and Minnesota.  These are all the dark eyed juncos.   I don't think I have ever seen dozens at a time like what I saw this morning. 

I have been neglecting the tree in the spare bedroom so today I went in there and took some shots. The tree lights can be seen through the window when people drive by the front of our house. This tree is one with a lot of my larger medium sized glass blown ornaments.  The one on the right was bought in a set that waw made in a Slovic country.  That ornament is mother Mary.  The whole set of the manger scene was in the set.  They had different choices of colors on them. 



The ornaments on the tree have a lot of different kinds of ornaments.  There are churches, houses, and small birdhouses among the ones on the tree. 

We are  hunkered down for snowstorm Elliott.  I didn't get done with all my shopping and am hoping it will warm up in a couple of days and the snow will be stopped.  Harsh winds for a couple of days will mean that it will be dangerous for driving.  I did get my snow blower up and running today so I am ready for it.  I had hired the snow removed the last two years so I had to work at the machine a good while to get it started.  Took out the spark plug and shined it up. It was music to my ears to have it running. 

Thanks for stopping by today.  Most of my blogger friends will have this same snowstorm so everyone be careful out there.

1 comment:

  1. Calming and serene shots from your cozy home overlooking the snow...just magical.
    I love all of your trees and shiny ornaments Larry, you really do bring the joy of Christmas into your home.
    A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
