Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Housing Development.....

 My wife is getting all of it assembled.  There are hundreds of parts, extras, that make the village special. 

I am the lighting man and you can see that the building is lighted.  The process was easier this year that some years. 

The lighting guy was good at knocking things down as the lights were being inserted in the back holes of them.  One of the buildingd has the hole at the bottom and you have to lift iy up to insert it.  My wife still has a lot of village people to add and more smaller trees.  I know things will be rearranged throughout the season but by noon the display is now done. 

I went for groceries this morning.  I can't believe the prices of things now.  I just grit my teeth and buy it.  The size of packages has decreased so you pay the same price for a smaller box of some thing.  Eggs are too high and yet we are having bird flu problems with all of our poultry industry.  Millions of birds have been destroyed, chickens and turkeys.  

I shopped in a downpour today and it was so welcomed.  I got out my umbrella to use while loading the back end of the car.  My hair was still soaked and looked matted.  Oh well, we need the rain badly.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We had rain too or freezing drizzle and now snow. The Village looks great!
