Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday's Mentions.....

 This is a fun design as the base has a band that allows one to turn it to get different figures in view.  On the other side are two different shepherds each with a sheep. The angel of course announces the birth of Christ and the Wise Men come from Persia to see the child.  The shepherds were the first to hear the announcement. 



The Christmas village has been unpacked.  My wife is making the adjustments needed to get the houses and churches all in natural positions.  The people and animals will be added and the lights will need to be installed to light up all the buildings.  That will be the last of our work for this season.  The work of shopping for presents and planning for company is ahead of us.  We have another gray day today. It looks like it should be snowing but that isn't happening. 

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Beautiful ornaments and decorations. There is a lot of work you two do for the Holidays!
