Saturday, December 17, 2022

Saturday's Stuff....


A blurry image of the village at night. Low light means losing a focus.  I still like the light and colors.


 Better lighting does give me a better shot.  The village looks just as good during the day as it does when it is lighted at night.  I like how the buildings each have their own distinct styles.

My blogger friend Far Side sent me a gift many years ago.  It was a box of small ornaments that were purchased from the Lee Wards company.  That was a company of many years ago and my mom would order crochete kits from them.  I kept thinking I would use the small ornaments but it just didn't happen. I moved them to the new place of course. I am assuming Far Side got the box at a thrift store.  

When you view the big tree in my wife's village you can see the ornaments.  It was tedious to get the small little hangers on them and then putting them on a plastic tree.  It was well worth time though and I am so pleased to have them.  It was like working with antiques as everything about the product seemed old.  I like antiques so it was fun. 

We sent out a box to Maine today for Christmas/New Years gifts to our two kids there.  It won't get there in  time for Christmas but the treats and items inside will be great for New Year's celebration. The line to the post office was a challenge.  I expected that it would be.  We are 17° F. today and there is a good windchill.  I am still chilled from being outside.  Thanks for stopping by today. 

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