Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday Flurries......Cold!

 The plastic Canadians aren't bothered by the snow.  If the goose was real she would be glad to eat some of that green grass in the yard. 

We watched the movie "Polar Express" last night.  It is our tradition now.  The train and the cars are sort of a star of the show as we get to see all the working outside parts and the insides of the trains cabin.  The one boy falls into the coal car which would seriously hurt him if it were real coal.  The kids all make it to the North Pole and everyone continues to "Believe". Remember that it doesn't matter which train you take, what is important is that you do just get on board. 


On another wall in our downstairs, the dolls are having a tea party. The display shelf is a good place to display some of my wife's doll collection.  Old tea pots and a creamer are all antique pieces collected through the years. 


Our bottom layer of snow is frozen to the ground.  I tried to make a dent in the sidewalk snow and it really didn't happen.  We are at 23° F. and that may be our high for the next six days.  Winter is here to stay.  The birds are glad to have seed put in the feeders as they love free food.  We were out earlier this morning but we are now inside for the rest of the day.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Nice train set and I love the doll tea party!

    Under the snow we have a layer of ice.

  2. We’re having a cold spell too. 7 degrees this morning but almost up to freezing now. Stay warm!
