Thursday, December 15, 2022

Snowing All Day...

 My artificial tree is getting a natural flocking with real snow.  It has snowed for most of the day.  I will be shoveling sidewalks by morning. 

They get hungry when it snows.  The shot was taken in the morning when there was light snow.  The feeder is now bulked up with piles of snow. 

My rehabbed birdhouse is in view now since the leaves are all gone from the trees.  The neighbors gained from me fixing it up because the can see it year round.  That was one of my last winter projects and it has weathered very well. 

I will finish off with my girl on a cupcake ornament.  It is unusual, I know, but it has good color and looks fun on the tree.  Winter is back in our area and I am sure our snow will now hang around for along time.  I will get out the snowblower tomorrow and get it to working for the season.  It has an electric starter so I don't have problems with it or at least with less problems.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice tree and ornaments. I may get a little battery operated shoveler snow blower soon. I'm considering it.
