Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunless Day.....




My gang of snowmen have been unpacked and are now on display. They have happy smiles with their upturned carrot noses.  The two red birds are a part of the scene. I really had never noticed the "welcome" sign being held by the middle guy.  

We watched a live streamed concert last night on television last night.  It was on California time so we were up late after watching a three and a half hour Christmas concert. Phil Wickum was the main star/singer but he had other guests singing also.  Going to bed late isn't that bad but one sleeps in on the next day and it screws up the whole schedule for the day.  We will go to bed at a normal time tonight. Monday is coming.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Gorgeous big tree against gorgeous big windows!

  2. Magnificent !
    Love the little whimsical snowmen.

  3. Your tree and decorations aere wonderful to see, Larry. Snowmen are a favorite here as well.
