Thursday, January 26, 2023

3° F. or -16.1° C at the Start of the Day......


I send this photo to my brothers who live in Arizona and California.  My one brother just says Brrrrrrr.  My other brother in California sends me a beautiful scene of his street with palm trees and green grass. We do have sun today but I doubt much snow will evaporate from its heat. 

I always admired the ornament that included a red truck with a Christmas tree in the back end.  I discovered I had a red truck in a storage drawer and my wife's village tree does fit in the back end.  I do think I will shop for one  tree that fits better proportionally. I have until next Christmas to figure it all out. 

In the same drawer I also found this red firetruck.  It is an old antique metal truck. The wheels are made of a hard plastic.  I am sure there were parts of equipemnt that would have come with it.  I don't know the year of the model of the truck but it looks like late 1940s or 1950s. 



I will make one more trip outside today and that will be it.  I had to take the recycle bin out to the curb this morning. I will return to get the mail and the bin at the same time this afternoon. Otherwise there are not more plans for outside happenings.  We will get up to 19° F. this afternoon. Have a good Thursday.


  1. Looks so very cold Larry. I love your little red trucks and tree, always so full of cheer amongst your Christmas decorations. Stay safe walking to your mailbox.

  2. Love the red trucks, we were chilly today too. We got out of the wind by staying in the woods.

    Stay warm!

  3. What a great old fire truck, you could build stuff for the trailer...legos or wood:)
