Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Two Humps Day....

 I used the same joke on my "photo a day" blog.  The camels were a gift at Christmas time.  The were carved by artists in a basement of shop called Bethlehem Nativity Products.  We visited the place three years ago while we were in Israel.  The clerks hand you a basket when you walk into the shop hoping you will fill it up.  The business is doing so well that my son was able to now buy these at a Christmas Market in downtown Chicago where they have extended their business in the United States. 

We bought the menorah at the shop when we were there. Other items are from family and a pastor friend. There were hundreds of the menorahs for sale in the place.


I had twin beds for the boys when they were young.  The beds had been bought at an auction.  I took the two beds, head and footer, and made a trundle bed from them.  The configuration of them brings the posts together.  I really liked the hand carved decorative posts with the pineapple, or acorn, shaped finials.

The trundle worked out well with the two head boards lined up for its back and the foot boards being the ends of the bed.  Isolating what one sees is this artistic compostion of forms. 


 Not staying on the carved wood theme but here is a sliced piece of sweet potato growing in a bowl.  I remember as a kid taking carrot tops and putting them in water to create new stems.  I did this as a lark because the sweet potato was sprouting while in storage in the closet.  I doubt I can keep this alive long enough to plant it this spring for my own home grown sweet potatoes. 

We are having a gray day and it will not warm up enough to thaw today.  We did thaw out a little bit yesterday but we are still coated with snow and it makes it feel cold. I keep feeling chilled often and wish that we can move into July weather soon.  Thanks for checking in today.

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