Sunday, January 1, 2023

A Woodpecker Surprise....

 A new woodpecker for me showed up at the feeder this morning. I have not seen a Northern Flicker in many years

It left the feeder and returned a few minutes latter to sit on the top suet cake so I could get a better picture.  The red cap didn't show up much from the side view but this one shows that it has a large red cap marking.  I also like the circular markings on the top of the tail feathers. 

We warmed up a bit and now we are cold enough to freeze again.  It left a mess on the deck and I tried to shovel off some of it but it was too frozen for me to move it.  We are having a grayed day today and freezing rain is predicted north of us. Snow may be a part of that system. Winter continues. 

Have a good day for this first day of 2023.  I sure hope things improve in this country soon  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. We are supposed to get the rain and freezing rain but they are not sure where it will be going.

    Gosh it got to nearly 40 here yesterday. What wild weather we've had for the past two weeks.

    I love that Northern Flicker! I see them more often in the spring here.

  2. It is a beauty! WE don't see Flickers often either...they mostly just pass through!
