Monday, January 2, 2023

Trellis Time.......




I finished the job of assembling these three. The middle one was already done but the last two I put together this morning. My flat workspace was this floor which required me to be on my knees or to sit down.  They don't go together easily but once you figure out the sneaky clues you can get it all snapped together sliding parts into all the designated slots. 

We are going to see some winter weather this evening so I have no plans of installing them outside soon.  I have an guest bedroom downstairs that will store them for me for the next few months.  We watched an hour of the Rose Bowl parade and taped it to watch later.  It really isn't New Year's Day and one needs to work some of the day.   

 I did misidentify my bird photo yesterday but I did correct it.  The first woodpecker I saw when I looked it up on the net seemed good enough.  Later in the day a classmate of mine said that is a Northern Flicker.  I agreed immediately and was embarrassed.  I have not seen that particular bird in probably twenty years or more.  My friend that lives in southern Iowa sees them all winter.  I guess my Flicker decided to check out the middle Iowa zone..

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous trellis, it will be spectacular with a vine or climbing rose as it's companion.
